The Asus Zenfone 3 Laser (ZC551KL), which was launched back in July this year, is now available for purchase in India as well. The device carries an INR 18,999 (around $285) price tag and is currently a Flipkart-exclusive in the country - other e-commerce platforms and retail stores will start selling it after a month.
Commenting on the device's India launch, Peter Chang, Region Head (South Asia) and Country Manager for Asus India said, "With the ZenFone 3 range, we introduced a series of smartphones in India to appeal to a wide range of audience."
"The ZenFone 3 Laser is the perfect blend of affordability and luxury, with its high-class specifications at an affordable price tag. With its 13MP rear camera and 0.03 seconds laser auto-focus ability, it is 'the' device for the photography enthusiast in anyone."
The handset is powered by Snapdragon 430 chipset and sports a 5.5-inch full HD display. It comes with 4GB RAM, and features a 13MP rear as well as 8MP front camera unit. A 3,000mAh battery is there to keep the lights on.