Idea has made some significant changes in its tariff plan of Rs.199, to counter the rival telecom company like Geo, Airtel and Vodafone. Now the company will provide total 28 GB data during the full validity of this plan. Also, voice calling and SMS are also available free of charge. Earlier Reliance Jio launched a plan of Rs.199 and Airtel also made some changes to its plan of Rs.199.
This list also includes an audio on the list. Idea 1 GB of data every day, Unlimited calls, free roaming and 100 SMS
Giving up The validity of this plan is 28 days.
Now the plan has been brought to the Himachal Pradesh Circle. Soon this plan will be implemented in other states too. Dist. In his Rs.199 plan, he gives 1.2 GB daily data for 28 days. Also, voice calling, SMS and national roaming are also offered free of charge. Together, Geo also launches a second plan of Rs 299, which offers 2GB 4G data every day for 28 days and other services are also free.