Reliance Jio services, which became paid in April, are still charged at incredibly low rates, starting at roughly Rs. 10 per day. The offer was made even sweeter by Reliance Jio for the users as it made the first 90 days of services free for Jio Prime members with recharges of Rs. 303 or above. However, this period of free Jio services is coming to an soon as the Reliance Jio Summer Surprise offer will expire in the next few weeks. Therefore it's essential to know your Jio plan validity and balance so that you can purchase the next recharge pack in time, and not lose out on your balance.
Additionally, it is important to know your Reliance Jio plan validity because once it ends, whatever balance you have in the phone may be adjusted against your SMS or data, depending upon your Jio plan. Or maybe you purchased a top-up voucher for international roaming or to get additional 4G data beyond the daily limit of the Jio offer. In such cases it is handy to know your Jio balance.
This list also includes an audio on the list. Idea 1 GB of data every day, Unlimited calls, free roaming and 100 SMS
Giving up The validity of this plan is 28 days.
Now the plan has been brought to the Himachal Pradesh Circle. Soon this plan will be implemented in other states too. Dist. In his Rs.199 plan, he gives 1.2 GB daily data for 28 days. Also, voice calling, SMS and national roaming are also offered free of charge. Together, Geo also launches a second plan of Rs 299, which offers 2GB 4G data every day for 28 days and other services are also free.
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