High-speed data packs are getting cheaper by the day as every telecom operator in the country are looking for an upper hand. While Reliance Jio is still continuing its dominance in the market, incumbent telcos are slowly catching up, especially Vodafone India and Bharti Airtel. And as per the information we received, Vodafone will soon offer two prepaid tariff plans of Rs 799 and Rs 549, matching the benefits of Jio’s plans. Vodafone will offer 4.5GB data per day with the Rs 799 plan and 3.5GB data per day with the Rs 549 plan, a little 0.5GB less when compared to Jio’s Rs 799 and Rs 509 tariff plans.
This list also includes an audio on the list. Idea 1 GB of data every day, Unlimited calls, free roaming and 100 SMS
Both these tariff plans will go live across Vodafone’s popular circles in the coming days, but as of this writing, the plans were not yet launched. Both the plans will offer other benefits such as unlimited voice calls and SMS benefits on a daily basis for the entire validity period.
Vodafone Rs 799 Prepaid Plan
Vodafone’s prepaid pack of Rs 799 is specially designed to take on Reliance Jio’s Rs 799 pack, which offers a whopping 5GB data per day. And Vodafone’s upcoming plan will provide 4.5GB data per day for a period of 28 days, making it 126GB data for the whole 28 days validity.
Vodafone’s prepaid pack of Rs 799 is specially designed to take on Reliance Jio’s Rs 799 pack, which offers a whopping 5GB data per day. And Vodafone’s upcoming plan will provide 4.5GB data per day for a period of 28 days, making it 126GB data for the whole 28 days validity.
The plan also offers unlimited local/STD and roaming calls pan India. Users even get 100 SMS free per day after recharging with this plan.
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